0063 Partnership between Painters and Sculptors in 17th-Century Spain

On Model Drawings by Francisco Rizi for an Altarpiece of the Expectant Virgin

  • Eduardo Lamas-Delgado (Author)
    Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique – Koninlijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium (IRPA-KIK), Brussels

    Scientific Assistant at IRPA-KIK, where he prepares an inventory of Spanish paintings owned by Belgian public collections. He is currently preparing a Ph.D. on the Spanish painter Francisco Rizi (1614-1685) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manuel Couvreur, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). His research focuses on baroque Spanish painting and drawing, particularly in Madrid during the 17th century, but his current interests are also directed towards the study of artistic relations between Spain and the Low Countries.

Identifiers (Article)


This paper deals with a case study of the collaboration between sculptors and painters in the context of the construction of altarpieces in 17th-century Spain. It analyses a drawing by Francisco Rizi (Madrid, 1614-Escorial, 1685) in the British Museum depicting a sculptural group and fragments of an architectural framework, and relates it to two other drawings by the same artist in the National Library of Spain. They are identified as fragments of the design drawing of the former altarpiece of the Expectant Virgin in the church of the Calced Trinitarians in Madrid.


Francisco Rizi (1614-1685), Juan Sánchez Barba (1602-1672), altarpiece, artistic partnership, design, model, sculpture, drawing