0071 From Gaillon to Sanchi, from Vézelay to Angkor Wat

The Musée Indo-chinois in Paris: A Transcultural Perspective on Architectural Museums

  • Michael Falser (Author)
    Chair of Global Art History, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context", Heidelberg University, Germany

    Michael Falser (MA, MSc, PhD) studied architecture and art history in Vienna and Paris, and finalized his PhD at the Berlin University of Technology on the political history of historic preservation in Germany. After practical experience as a preservation architect in the USA and working as researcher at the ETH Zurich and the LMU Munich, he has been since 2009 a research fellow at the Chair of Global Art History within the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University. His current research focuses on heritage as a transcultural concept using Angkor Wat in Cambodia as his case study. In 2012/2013, he is fellow at the Centre Allemand d'Histoire de l'Art in Paris.

Identifiers (Article)


Architecture, museum, cultural heritage, Angkor, plaster cast, Orientalism, translation, display