0098 Offene Kapitel beim Umgang mit NS-Kunst in Museum, Ausstellung und Forschung

  • Hans-Ernst Mittig (Author)
    Universitätsprofessor (a.D.), Hochschule der Künste, Berlin

    Nach dem juristischen Assessorexamen Promotion in Kunst- und Rechtsgeschichte (Hamburg 1967) und Assistenz am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 1970 an der Technischen Universität Berlin. 1974 Professor für Kunstgeschichte an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Berlin, bis 1997 dort Universitätsprofessor an der Hochschule der Künste. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Kunst- und Musikgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts, Denkmäler, Kunst seit 1933.

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Research on, and presentation of, Nazi art raises specific questions: First, how to present it, who will be its audience and what will be the significance of its research and presentation both within and outside the scientific community? Second, why do further research on Nazi art at all, and to what extent will the proclaimed purposes stay valid? And, third, what research desiderata does the ever increasing knowledge on the material in question reveal? In the present article, open questions in dealing with Nazi art are discussed with regard to selected exhibitions and works. Moreover, the article aims to show that a fresh look at the works and their subjects – here explored with regard to the issue of boredom – may open up new and fruitful perspectives and approaches.

