0120 Expansion of Museums in Central Europe?

  • Katarzyna Jagodzińska (Author)
    Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury (MCK) (International Cultural Centre), Krakow, Poland

    Ph.D. in Art History (2012). Graduate of Art History (M.A.) and Journalism and Communication (B.A., M.A.), Jagiellonian University, Krakow. Her academic research deals with museum studies, especially in the region of Central Europe. She works in the International Cultural Centre in Krakow  and in the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University.

    She is author of the book "Czas muzeów w Europie Środkowej. Muzea i centra sztuki współczesnej (1989–2014)" [Museum Age in Central Europe. Museums and Centres of Contemporary Art (1989–2014)] as well as of a number of articles in the field of museums and art history in academic and specialist magazines and volumes, member of the editorial team of the "HERITO" quarterly and local editor of the "RIHA Journal" – international academic journal of art history, member of ICOM, AICA and Association of Art Historians in Poland.

    Fellow of The Corbridge Trust at the University of Cambridge in Spring 2013 and fellow at the University of Melbourne (Australian Institute of Art History) granted by the Group of Eight in Fall and Winter 2014/2015. She delivered papers and presentations at numerous academic conferences worldwide, including the 32nd Congress of CIHA in Melbourne (2008), 22nd ICOM General Conference in Shanghai (2010), "The Making of National Museums and Identity Politics" in Taipei (2011), 33rd Congress of CIHA in Nuremberg (2012).

    She popularises museums in her blog www.museumsadvisor.com

  • Karolina Kolenda (Translator)

Identifiers (Article)


The paper presents reflections on the specificity of collections and museums of contemporary art in Central Europe and considers a possibility of creating a regional alternative for the West. The analysis is conducted in the context of the expansionist policy of contemporary museums – notably the Louvre, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the Hermitage – whose numerous new development projects gave rise to a number of dilemmas in the museological world. The author discusses global "museum brands" that invest in Central Europe and addresses the possible profits of the expansion of such "concerns" for culture in the region, as well as emphasises the potential of the region itself, which may be used for its development without the avail of the internationally renowned collectors' names.


museum concern, museum boom, Central Europe