0257 A Half-Hearted Expressionist Extortion

Representations of Barbarism in Uruguay Between 1920 and 1960

  • María Frick (Author)

    María Frick is a doctoral student at Pablo de Olavide University (Spain), Master in Latin American Studies and Bachelor of Political Science. Active member of the National Research System - ANII / SNI (Uruguay). With fifteen years of experience in development cooperation, Frick has coordinated the UNESCO Culture Program in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay and is now a member of the National Institute of Visual Arts of Uruguay.

Identifiers (Article)


This article traces the genealogy of Expressionism in Uruguay as an artistic form that, within the framework of a figurative art trend of social and popular orientation, questioned the hegemonic guidelines regarding the cultural identity under construction in the first half of the twentieth century. Taking as an example the representation of the rural landscape and the gaucho, the article describes the incorporation of Expressionist principles and values to reveal both the persistence of the primitive in the project of the modern nation and the consequences of the incipient industrialization on the human experience.


Expressionism, painting, Uruguay, 20th century, Latin America, Primitivism, gaucho, rural landscape