Architektura budynków mieszkalnych w centrum Królewca (Königsbergu) na początku XX wieku

  • Irina V. Belintseva (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


The architecture of early twentieth-century residential buildings in the centre of Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg)

Königsberg, the capital of the province of Eastern Prussia, developed over the centuries as a fortress city enclosed by a ring of fortifications. This determined the nature of the close urban development. At the turn of the twentieth century new residential and public buildings began to replace the dilapidated older buildings in the city centre. The heart of the city near the castle and the Ponds was almost completely destroyed at the end of the Second World War and as a result of the post-war demolition of buildings. The few remaining buildings are now neglected and are being demolished. These are numbers 53–57 Frunzestreet, (formerly Königsstrasse) and are interesting examples of Art Nouveau.

