About the Journal

The Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, published by LEIZA, appears quarterly and informs the professional world in short articles about new results of archaeological research. It is intended as a current scientific journal on topics of pre- and protohistoric as well as provincial Roman archaeology and its neighbouring sciences in Europe. In addition to the discussion of research, new finds and short analyses of supra-regional interest find their place here.

The length of the articles is up to 30 printed pages. Digital supplementary data can also be published. Contributions are accepted in German, English and French.

Independent editors review the submitted articles (peer review).

No fees are charged; publication and online access are free of charge for the authors. The contributions can be downloaded free of charge and without registration.

Heidelberg University Library is a member of the German ORCID DE consortium. If desired, the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) of the researchers will be included in the metadata.

All journal articles receive a digital object identifier (doi), which simplifies the citation and linking of the articles. Hosting for the Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt online is provided by the University of Heidelberg, which is a cooperation partner in this project and guarantees the long-term archiving of the articles.

From 2023, the Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt will appear digitally via Heidelberg University Library at the same time as the print publication, without embargo period.

A print edition can be subscribed to in writing at:
LEIZA Verlag
Ludwig-Lindenschmit-Forum 1
55116 Mainz
as well as via the email address korrespondenzblatt@leiza.de or verlag@leiza.de.
Price per issue (4 issues) for direct subscribers from issue 2023 onwards € 74.00 net, plus VAT: € 79.18 + postage (currently domestic € 12.00 plus VAT: € 12.84, foreign € 26.00 net, plus VAT if applicable: € 27.82).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides free access (Open Access) to its content, in line with the basic assumption that the free public availability of research benefits a worldwide exchange of knowledge. Articles in the AK are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, and a form is provided for authors to sign. When using external material (e.g., images, graphics etc.), it is assumed that the authors independently ensure that the necessary copyrights have been obtained under this license.

Authors' rights and copyrights

LEIZA Verlag is granted a simple right of use to the contributions. The authors may use the work themselves or have it used by third parties, e.g. publish the publication elsewhere. The copyright for the layout is the property of LEIZA Verlag.