Sollte auch der Bautypus Geleen in der Ursprungsregion der Bandkeramik entstanden sein?

Erste und älteste Nachweise dieser Hausform aus Schwechat bei Wien

  • Eva Lenneis (Author)
  • Judith Schwarzäugl (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Could the Geleen Building Type Also Have Been Developed in the Region of Origin of the Linear Pottery Culture? First and Oldest Evidence of This House Form from Schwechat near Vienna
In the late autumn of 2020, during a rescue excavation prior to the construction of the Park & Ride facility for Schwechat railway station, two Geleen-type buildings were unearthed for the first time in Austria. These house ground plans are presented here together with the dating finds and a small series of five radiocarbon dates. On the basis of the pottery from the accompanying longitudinal pits, both houses can be assigned to the late phase of the older Linear Pottery culture (phase I b). The 14C-dates are very homogeneous and point to a time span of 5299–5209 cal. BC. – Until now, 103 house ground plans with Y-constructions are known from 40 sites, but absolute data are only available from a very few in the Rhineland and the Netherlands. The new data from Schwechat are clearly older, but the chronological difference is not very great. For this reason, Schwechat is probably not the place of origin of this construction principle, rather the closer surroundings in eastern Central Europe. At present, however, there is no further evidence of this type of house in this region, which may be due to the state of research.


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Early Neolithic, Linear Pottery culture, house construction, Y-configuration of posts, distribution and origin of this house type