Beyond the river – Mesolithic camps in Siebenlinden 3, 4 and 5 (Rottenburg am Neckar, Lkr. Tübingen)

  • Claus-Joachim Kind (Author)

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An area of all together 480m2 of the Mesolithic site Siebenlinden 3-5 was excavated between 1993 and 1995 as well as between 2001 and 2004. Four layers with finds dating to the middle to younger Mesolithic were discovered. Horizon II is the result of a larger summer or autumn camp. Different workplaces which were used simultaneously are identified. Horizon III can also be interpreted as an intensively used main camp established for a longer period. It is possible to differentiate between workplaces, presumed living areas and side workplaces. One dwelling unit always consists of one of the workplaces, one of the living areas and one or two side workplaces. In contrast to this the find scatters of horizons IIIo and IV are of fundamentally different character. They possess less finds by far and belong to camps of shorter permanence having been built for various purposes, but mainly for the requisition of food. The use of stone artefacts in horizon IV shows that in two cases two of the find concentrations indicate two contemporary living areas.
The differences of the camp shapes originate in the different uses of the settlement types of differing structures. However, between the early and late Mesolithic a distinctive change seems to have taken place in the social structure.


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Baden-Württemberg, Mesolithic, Neckar, floodplain, settlement archaeology, hunting