Magdalenian Site Oelknitz (Saale-Holzland-Kreis) – the Excavation from 1932
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This article presents and discusses the results of the first excavation in 1932 together with those of the large campaign from 1957-1967. Radiometric data and typology of the stone tools suggest a multiperiod use of the locality at least between GS-2a and GI-1e. The use of fire resulted in an extensive stone scatter in analogy to that observed at other sites. It remains unclear however, for which reasons and in which ways the concave features identified in both excavations, developed. It is likely that the Magdalenian horizon was disturbed periglacially and by bioturbation not later than the Pleistocene. During the following Holocene, erosions as well as strong colluvial covering took their toll. The late Bronze age saw intensive intrusions in the existing layers by an urnfield, modern times disturbances by trees and illicit diggers.