Chronology of the Upper Palaeolithic sequence in the Kůlna Cave (okr. Blansko / CZ)

  • Zdeňka Nerudová (Author)
  • Petr Neruda (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The Kůlna Cave in the Moravian Karst is an important site for acquiring knowledge on the development of Upper
alaeolithic cultures in Central Europe. Within a new project aimed at the re-evaluation of the chronology of the cave,
the authors have also paid attention to the dating of the Upper Palaeolithic sequence that comprises the Gravettian, the Magdalenian (layers 6 and 5) and the Epimagdalenian (layers 4 and 3). Samples were selected from the osteological collection, and items bearing marks of human impact and with clear data on their locations were preferred. The dating of all samples was performed in the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit. It was obvious that some of the horizons had either become contaminated with more recent material, or their real stratigraphic position was not recognised correctly. Through a comparison of all data, particularly, the positions of the Epimagdalenian layer 4 and the Magdalenian layer 6 were stated more precisely. For the time being the position of the Magdalenian from layer 5 remains unclear. The dating of the Gravettian is based on two pieces of data only, and these originate from the most recent Micoquian layer 6a. The dataset for this culture is markedly older than the previously determined interval. There were no indicia of a possible existence of Early Upper Palaeolithic industries in this cave.


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Czech Republic, Moravia, Upper Palaeolithic, Gravettian, Magdalenian, Epimagdalenian, 14C dating