Das jungneolithische Steinbeildepot von Altenstadt (Wetteraukreis) – neue Erkenntnisse zu einem alten Fundkomplex

  • Holger Baitinger (Author)

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A Young Neolithic hoard of four stone axes and possibly a flint blade was discovered at Altenstadt in the Wetterau in 1933. Large parts of it were destroyed by fire in the Glauberg museum twelve years later, in 1945. In 1939/1940 the pieces had been cast in the RGZM. Their graphic documentation in the inventories enables, for the first time, a correct reconstruction and thereby proves the first attempt of reconstruction from 1991 to be wrong. Whereas three no longer existing axes seem to have been of alpine jade, the only axe which has survived as an original, is made of a sedimentary rock, perhaps of greywacke. Historic photographs from the time before 1945 provide further information on the composition of the hoard find. These were recently handed over to the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Glauburg by a private person.


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