Ein bronzener Stabdreifuß aus Las Cogotas (Cardeñosa, prov. Ávila)

Übernahme technischer und formaler Vorbilder aus dem Mittelmeergebiet in die archaische Bronzekunst der Iberischen Halbinsel

  • Raimon Graells i Fabregat (Author)
  • Giacomo Bardelli (Author)
  • Magdalena Barril Vicente (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


A bronze rod-tripod from Las Cogotas (Cardeñosa, prov. Ávila). The adoption of technical and formal models from the Mediterranean region by the archaic toreutics of the Iberian Peninsula

About 100 years ago the fragment of a bronze tripod was discovered in the protohistoric Castro de Las Cogotas (prov. Ávila), in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. This exemplar represents an isolated fi nd in the Western Mediterranean and it is properly investigated here for the fi rst time. Formal and technical details will be presented to illustrate the peculiarities and the models behind the object. The results and the analogies with other bronze artefacts of similar chronology suggest the existence of Iberian bronze workshops with close relations to Greek and Etruscan ones. This evidence seems to prove a continuation of local orientalising toreutics.


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Spain, Archaic period, Cogotas culture, rod-tripod, toreutics