Using Pollen Analysis to Detect Microscopical Traces of the Original Contents of an Etruscan Beaked Flagon from Ostrov u Stříbra (okr. Tachov / CZ) near Pilsen

  • Radka Kozáková (Author)
  • Martin Trefný (Author)
  • Kateřina Postránecká (Author)

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Using Pollen Analysis to Detect Microscopical Traces of the Original Contents of an Etruscan Beaked Flagon from Ostrov u Stříbra (okr. Tachov / CZ) near Pilsen

In 2013 rescue excavations in Ostrov u Stříbra uncovered a cremation grave with an Etruscan bronze beaked flagon dated to the Late Hallstatt / Early La Tène period. Apart from the precious flagon finds, the inventory of the grave was poor in comparison with the extraordinarily rich archaeological context from which similar flagons are known in the Czech Republic as well as from within Europe north of the Alps. The flagon from Ostrov u Stříbra was found fallen, broken and filled with secondary soil. No macroscopical residues of any content were discovered inside, but we applied pollen analysis to detect microscopical traces of the original contents. We took samples of the sediment in closest contact with the bronze surface where pollen grains are preserved due to the toxic effect of copper. 14 samples from outer and inner surfaces of the flagon were analysed. Three samples from the upper part of the flagon had significantly different pollen spectra with extremely high counts of Tilia pollen. Other pollen types present exclusively in these samples were Hypericum and Mentha type. All the mentioned taxa are insect-pollinated and can be associated with honey. The pollen of Tilia is especially dominant in the fossilised residues of beverages found in various vessels come to light in graves. Such analogies, together with a lack of other probable interpretations of our data, lead us to the conclusion that the flagon from Ostrov near Pilsen was filled with a beverage containing honey.


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Czech Republik, Bohemia, Late Hallstatt, Early La Tène, beaked flagon, mead