Zwei Magnetometerprospektionen auf ukrainischen Fundstellen des Cucuteni-Tripolje-Komplexes an Dnjestr und Südlichem Bug

  • Thomas Saile (Author)
  • Martin Posselt (Author)
  • Maciej Dębiec (Author)
  • Dmytro Kiosak (Author)
  • Taras Tkachuk (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Two Magnetometer Surveys on Ukrainian Sites of the Cucuteni-Tripolye-Complex on the Dniester and Southern Bug

During fieldwork focusing on settlement structures of the Linienbandkeramik (LBK) in Ukraine two sites with features of the Cucuteni-Tripolye-complex have been encountered. Bilshivci, on the upper course of the Dniester, was predominately settled in Tripolye B1-B2 and C2. Three zones of intensive settlement activity were detected, but only small traces of remains of burnt houses were visible in the greyscale image. At Kamyane a settlement dated to Tripolye B1 occupied a flat promontory on the right bank of the Southern Bug. Along the more gently sloping sides of this hardly perceptible elevation the settlement was delimited by two parallel ditches, spaced approx. 8 m apart. A trial trench revealed an inner ditch measuring 2.9 m in width and 1.7 m in depth. A zone devoid of archaeological features runs parallel to the inner ditch, on its inner side. Here a rampart may be presumed. While west of the Dniester, ditches have been observed on about 40 sites dating to Tripolye B1, until now they did not appear east of the river. By now, Kamyane is the easternmost fortified settlement of that period and so far the only one located east of the Dniester.


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Ukrainia, Eneolithic, Cucuteni-Trypillian-complex, Linienbandkeramik (LBK), settlement