Neue Daten für alte Grabungen – ein Beitrag zur spätglazialen Archäologie und Faunengeschichte Norddeutschlands

  • Felix Riede (Author)
  • Mara-Julia Weber (Author)
  • Sonja B. Grimm (Author)
  • Julia M. Fahlke (Author)

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New dates for old digs – a contribution to Late Glacial archaeology and large mammal biogeography of Northern Germany

Stratified Late Glacial find localities are rare on the Great North European Plain. The natural scientific dating of finds pertinent to the settlement history of this region therefore provides a good and often the only way of constructing a substantial chronological framework for the interpretation of finds and sites, in particular as the bulk of the material derives from older excavations. The methodological refinements in radiocarbon dating over the last 50 years now allow a much more targeted sample selection as well as more precise dating. This paper presents new 14C results from the important Late Glacial sites of Borneck and Klein Nordende and uses these new dates as a basis for discussing the settlement history in the region.


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Northern Germany, Late Glacial, 14C dating, Federmesser groups, Bromme culture, large mammals