Prähistorische Siedlungsdynamik und Landschaft in einer inneralpinen Siedlungskammer – archäologische, geoarchäologische, archäometallurgische und archäobotanische Untersuchungen im Montafon in Vorarlberg (Österreich)

  • Franziska Würfel (Author)
  • Astrid Röpke (Author)
  • Rüdiger Krause (Author)
  • Joachim Lutz (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Dynamics of prehistoric settlements and landscape in an inner alpine settlement cell – archaeological, geoarchaeological, archaeometallurgical and archaeobotanical research in Montafon in Vorarlberg (Austria)

Since 2000 interdisciplinary research has been conducted at Bartholomäberg in Montafon (Austria) aiming to reconstruct the settlement history in that inner alpine valley. The central questions are therefore focused on the beginnings and the dynamics of settlement as well as what motivated prehistoric populations to choose such an inner alpine environment. Considering the rich deposits of copper and iron ores at Bartholomäberg, one research aspect concerns the question of how these deposits relate to the beginnings of settlement and the extent to which they were exploited. Until now three settlement sites have been discovered, prospected and excavated at Bartholomäberg. In view of their topographic location and their Bronze and Iron Age phases, a close spatial and temporal relationship can be assumed.


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Austria, Bronze Age, Alps, mining, copper, settlement archaeology