Les tombelles de l’âge du Bronze en Flandre sablonneuse (nord-ouest de la Belgique): un status quaestionis

  • Jeroen De Reu (Author)
  • Eline Deweirdt (Author)
  • Philippe Crombé (Author)
  • Machteld Bats (Author)
  • Jean Bourgeois (Author)
  • Marc Antrop (Author)
  • Philippe De Maeyer (Author)
  • Peter Finke (Author)
  • Jacques Verniers (Author)
  • Ann Zwertvaegher (Author)
  • Philippe De Smedt (Author)
  • Marc Van Meirvenne (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Bronze Age barrows in the sandy areas of Flanders (north-western Belgium): state of research

For 30 years now, Sandy Flanders is the subject of systematic and intensive aerial photographical surveys. The Bronze Age barrow research has yielded one of the major results with the discovery of several hundreds of monuments. Consequently, several barrow sites have been further investigated during excavations. During the last few years, this dataset was the subject of a systematic and thorough inventory. To date, a total of 1105 Bronze Age burial monuments could be identified and precisely located. The detailed inventory is the base of an extensive GIS and statistical analysis of the Bronze Age barrow phenomenon in north-western Belgium. Thanks to this GIS-based approach new insights could be gained in the distribution and the location of the burial mounds in the landscape and in the mutual relation between the monuments.


Contributor or sponsoring agency
Belgium, Flanders, Bronze Age, barrow, aerial photography, geographical information systems (GIS)