Aktuelle Analysemethoden an Bernsteinperlen
Zwei Neufunde aus dem spätneolithischen Galeriegrab II von Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Kr. Soest)
Identifiers (Article)
Recent methods of analysis on amber beads. Two newly discovered finds from the Late Neolithic gallery grave II at Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Kr. Soest)
In 2009, excavations of a Late Neolithic gallery grave at Erwitte-Schmerlecke near Soest, revealed human bones and several grave-goods, among them animal tooth pendants, flint artefacts, and copper fragments, but especially two discoid amber beads. These artefacts, typologically indifferent, were analysed with modern methods. Infrared spectroscopy of one of the beads shows a Baltic origin, the most widespread amber variety among Northern Europe. A computer tomography of a second bead enabled a 3D-view of its preservation. This method which does not cause damages to the objects during analysis was conducted the first time for a Neolithic amber.