Eine römische Dolabra mit Inschrift aus dem Umfeld des Schlachtfeldes am Harzhorn (Lkr. Northeim) in Niedersachsen

  • Rainer Wiegels (Author)
  • Günther Moosbauer (Author)
  • Michael Meyer (Author)
  • Petra Lönne (Author)
  • Thorsten Schwarz (Author)
  • Michael Geschwinde (Author)
  • Michael Brangs (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


A Roman inscribed dolabra from the surroundings of the battlefield at Harzhorn (Lkr. Northeim) in Lower Saxony

A Roman-Germanic battlefield was located at the site »Harzhorn« in the district Northeim. Thanks to AMS radiocarbon dating, a few small finds and the coin sequence the battlefield was dated to the third decade of the 3rd century. In the course of the current investigations a dolabra with incised inscriptions was discovered. They suggest that a legio IIII, most probably the legio IIII Flavia, took part in the battles. Different hands are author of the inscriptions which also
show signs of corrections. Among other possibilities, the characters can be read as S(everiana) A(lexandriana), in accordance to the certain mention of the leg(io) IIII on the blade of the dolabra; on the other side of the blade, the legio IIII with its surname F(l)av(ia) seems to be named.


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Lower Saxo, Roman Principate, barbaricum, battlefield, epigraphy, inscription