Der römische Wendeltreppenschacht im territorium metallorum Tresminas / Jales (freg. Tresminas; distr. Vila Real / P)

  • Regula Wahl-Clerici (Author)
  • Klaus Mechelke (Author)
  • Maren Lindstaedt (Author)
  • Thomas Schierl (Author)
  • Markus Helfert (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The Roman Spiral Stairwell in the territorium metallorum Tresminas / Jales (freg. Tresminas; distr. Vila Real / P)

In the Roman goldmine district of Tresminas, Gralheira and Campo de Jales in Northern Portugal many remains of prospection survived due to the hard stone in situ and the largely absent destruction in the following periods. The spiral stairwell in the Corta da Ribeirinha deviating several times rectangularly, presents a peculiarity among the galleries and shafts. Its remarkable architecture is the result from situational technical and mining conditions. Numerous changes in planning indicate that the final appearance expresses the changing aims and approaches during its construction. As for mining this can only be interpreted as a reaction to the exploitation of precious metal concentrations. Due to the angles of stairs, lengths of straight sections und deviating angles of shafts and galleries it was possible to change the course and end of the building almost at every moment during its construction and therefore react directly on local prospection results without new extensive surveys.


Contributor or sponsoring agency
Portugal, Roman Principate, spiral stairwell, 3D scanning, gold mine