The Invisible Early La Tène Elites in Moravia?

Evidence from a Bronze Flagon Mount Found at Pavlov-Děvín (Okr. Břeclav / CZ)

  • Petra Goláňová (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The Invisible Early La Tène Elites in Moravia? Evidence from a Bronze Flagon Mount Found at Pavlov-Děvín (Okr. Břeclav / CZ)

Until recently, the Early La Tène period in Moravia lay at the margins of research interest of this period in Europe. Most probably, this was due to the lack of attractive discoveries, such as graves furnished with prestige goods (gold objects, Early Style decoration, Mediterranean imports). The aim of the article is to evaluate the bronze figure from the beaked flagon found at Pavlov-Děvín (okr. Břeclav / CZ) in a broader context and to make an overview of finds testifying to the presence of local élites in 5th-century BC Moravia. The best parallels for the Pavlov-Děvín figure can be found among bronze flagon fittings produced in the Transalpine area mainly in the second half of the 5th century BC and inspired by imported Etruscan models. The owner of the flagon part found in the Pavlov Hills was most probably one of the Early La Tène period élite, comparable with those buried in the »princely« graves of Dürrnberg and the Glauberg. Apparently, such local élites were perfectly capable of providing themselves with prestigious products of specialist metal-working workshops, even though subsequently such objects were not buried in graves.


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Moravia, Iron Age, élite, La Tène art, beaked flagon, metalwork