New Data for Research on the Early Bronze Age in Northern Poland (2350-1600 BC)

  • Łukasz Kowalski (Author)
  • Kamil Adamczak (Author)
  • Andrzej Zdzisław Bokiniec † (Author)
  • Beata Bielińska-Majewska (Author)
  • Łukasz Karczmarek (Author)
  • Andrzej Krzyszowski (Author)
  • Grzegorz Osipowicz (Author)
  • Aldona Garbacz-Klempka (Author)
  • Paweł Gan (Author)
  • Grażyna Szczepańska (Author)
  • Bogusława Wawrzykowska † (Author)

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New Data for Research on the Early Bronze Age in Northern Poland (2350-1600 BC)

This paper reports on archived archaeological material and some recent discoveries of stray finds from north-central Poland that can be dated to the Early Bronze Age, mostly from the site of Lachmirowice in the Kuyavia region, including ceramic vessels and a stone tool identified as an arrow shaft straightener. The other objects analysed are two clay tuyeres from Chełmno land (Culm) and three bronze daggers from the region of Greater Poland and Mazovia, which can be connected to the Úněticean metal industry. To improve the quality of the information on the artefacts, we determined their chemistry and technology and combined this with the stylistic and technological trajectories of the era. The results obtained add information about the beginnings of the Bronze Age in northern Poland and help to better understand how the local post-Neolithic communities in this region were being integrated within the Bell Beaker and Úněticean milieu.


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Early Bronze Age, Bell Beaker culture, Únětice culture, Iwno culture, archaeometallurgy, traceology