Einer oder zwei? Ein Stabgürtelhaken der Form Traunstein vom Gräberfeld Brzyno, Fundplatz 7 (woj. pomorskie / PL)

  • Anna Strobin (Author)
  • Jarosław Strobin (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


One or Two? A Traunstein-type Belt Hook from the Cemetery in Brzyno, Site 7 (Woj. Pomorskie / PL)

In a cremation grave of the Oksywie culture at the cemetery in Brzyno, site 7, a Traunstein-type belt hook of bronze was discovered. After conservation, it turned out that the object had been repaired. Most likely, a second specimen of the same type was used to repair the belt hook. These observations are confirmed by traces visible on the object, and also by the chemical analyses carried out. This discovery indicates that this prestigious element of female attire was used in Pomerania more often than archaeological sources indicate. It also seems that the knowledge of imported belt hooks in the Oksywie culture inspired local smiths to produce similar items locally. This was influenced by the trans-regional contacts with Central Germany visible during the A2 and A3 phases.


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Pomerania, Oksywie culture, Late Pre-Roman Period, belt hooks, items repair, chemical analysis, trans-regional contacts