Anthropological characteristics and morphological similarity of individuals from the cemetery of Kutná Hora-Karlov (okr. Kutná Hora / CZ)

  • Eliška Maxová (Author)
  • Petr Velemínský (Author)
  • Jakub Likovský (Author)

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The subject of this paper is an anthropological assessment of the skeletal remains from the cemetery of Kutná Hora-Karlov and the evaluation of morphological-phenotypical variability of selected discrete cranial and dental traits. This variability could indicate some biological relationships among  individuals and their connection to other population groups. We obtained interesting results when comparing the incidence of selected discrete traits from Kutná Hora-Karlov with corresponding ones from the burial site of Münsingen-
Rain / CH. Increased incidence of these traits in individuals from Münsingen-Rain may indicate the practice of endogamy. If we accept this hypothesis, we can speculate about endogamic rules at weddings also in the middle La Tène in  Bohemia, too at least in eastern Bohemia. However, the question remains about the scale of the practices within the cemetery of Kutná Hora-Karlov (e. g. within the framework of an extended family, a settlement area or a microregion).


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Latènezeit, Lt B-C, Tschechische Republik, Kutná Hora-Karlov, Gräberfeld, menschliche Skelette, Anthropologie, Morphologie