Urartian linchpins, Urartian copper alloys. Considering the analysis of corroded »bronze« finds
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43 presumed »bronze« finds from two Urartian temple treasures of the 9th / 8th century BC were analysed from one point of measurement. Unexpectedly, proportions of up to 8 % zinc were found, a further eleven linchpins contained zinc in part. Moreover, analyses of several measurements on a single corroded object
led to plainly different results. Thus, investigations of corroded finds always yield only approximate results. The Urartian craftsmen often used special alloys for particular purposes. Thus, parts of furniture almost always contain zinc, vessels on the other hand do not. Urartian copper alloys are often very mixed: apart
from the usual tin, there often occur arsenic and antimony, as well as the »new« zinc. The alloys correspond to the copper-ores occurring in eastern Anatolia. One can recognize an amazing enthusiasm for experimentation and skill on the part of the Urartian metal-workers.