La Tène period swords with stamp-marks

  • Lisa Deutscher (Author)

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Fromthe Middle to the Late La Tène period stamps occur in the blades of short and long swords in Central Europe. Most examples come from the phase LT C2, during which this phenomenon also attained its largest
geographical extent. Certainly, very many specimens originate from Lake Neuenburg and the surrounding waters, but one must speak about a pan-European phenomenon, as marked sword-blades are found in a
large area which includes western France, Wales, Poland and Hungary.

The stamps, which have a maximum size of a thumbnail, are mainly found only a few centimetres below the haft and display zoomorphic, anthropomorphic motifs as well as depictions of celestial bodies. In rare cases the pictures are inlaid with precious or non-ferrous metals. They occur mostly singularly, sometimes, however, several identical or different depictions are stamped into a sword-blade. When looking at the sword with the grip at the top, they are placed on the left half of the blade.

Aspects such as the placement and direction of the stamps, as well as the restrictive variety of motifs, allowed one to recognise a certain regulation of the use and choice of motifs. As far as the treatment and placement in graves or water go, there seems to be no difference to the unstamped swords. The diachronic comparison with similar stamps on weapons and other metal objects may allow an interpretation of the marks as apotropaic or victory-bringing symbols.
In the MA thesis summarised here 155 stamped swordblades could be collated for the first time. In addition, experiments were carried out which shed light on the probable temperature of the stamping and on the wear of the sword-stamps.


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Eisenzeit, Lt C-D, Europa, Bewaffnung, Schwerter, Stempelmarken, Zusammenstellung