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Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
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358 items
The Zen Theory of Language : Linji Yixuan’s Teaching of “Three Statements, Three Mysteries, and Three Essentials” (sanju sanxuan sanyao 三句三玄三要)
Seong-Uk Kim
JIABS 36-37/1-2 (2013-2014[2015])
The Remains of the Dharma : Editing, Rejecting, and Replacing the Buddha’s Words in Officially Commissioned Sūtras from Dunhuang, 820s to 840s
Brandon Dotson
JIABS 36-37/1-2 (2013-2014[2015])
Reasoning-for-others in Candrakīrti’s Madhyamaka thought
Chizuko Yoshimizu
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
The Aṭṭhakavagga as Buddhist poetry
Eviatar Shulman
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
‘Treating the aged’ and ‘Maintaining health’ – Locating bcud len practices in the four Tibetan medical tantras
Barbara Gerke
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
A Huayanist reading of the Lotus Sūtra – The case of Li Tongxuan
Jin Y. Park
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
An elephant good to think – The Buddha in Pārileyyaka forest
Reiko Ohnuma
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
Atha niryāṇavṛttam: Reflections on the first sūtra and the opening passages of Guṇaprabha’s Vinayasūtra and Auto-commentary – With reference to Indian and Tibetan commentaries
Paul Nietupski
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
Aśvaghoṣa and his canonical sources II – Yaśas, the Kāśyapa brothers and the Buddha’s arrival in Rājagha (Buddhacarita 16.3–71)
Vincent Eltschinger
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
Epigraphical evidence for the cult of Mahāpratisarā in the Philippines
Roderick Orlina
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
The cult of the Buddhist dhāraṇī deity Mahāpratisarā along the Maritime Silk Route: New epigraphical and iconographic evidence from the Indonesian Archipelago
Thomas Cruijsen, Arlo Griffiths, Marijke J. Klokke
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
Mahākāla worship in the Dali kingdom (937–1253) – A study of the Dahei tianshen daochang yi
Megan Bryson
JIABS 35/1-2 2012[2013]
Rig 'dzin Dpal ldan bkra shis (1688-1743) and the emergence of a Tantric community in Reb kong, A mdo (Qinghai)
Yangdon Dhondup
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
Dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan on Mahāyāna doxography - Rethinking the distinction between Cittamātra and Madhyamaka in fourteenth-century Tibet
Tsering Wangchuk
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
Fighting for the truth - satyadvaya and the debates provoked by Mi pham's Nor bu ke ta ka
Markus Viehbeck
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
Immortal Buddhas and their indestructible embodiments
Michael Radich
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
The gzhan stong model of reality - Some more material on its origin, transmission, and interpretation
Klaus-Dieter Mathes
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
The antarābhava dispute among Abhidharma traditions and the list of anāgāmins
Qian Lin
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
Argumentation theory in the early Tibetan epistemological tradition
Pascale Hugon
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
A reply to questions concerning mind and primordial knowing
David Higgins
JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]
The ātman and its negation - a conceptual and chronological analysis of early Buddhist thought
Alexander Wynne
JIABS 33/1-2 2010[2011]
Tall tales, tathāgatas and truth - on the "privileged lie" in Indian Buddhist literature
Richard F. Nance
JIABS 33/1-2 2010[2011]
Ignorance, epistemology and soteriology - Part II
Vincent Eltschinger
JIABS 33/1-2 2010[2011]
The timing of Yogācāra resurgence in the Ming dynasty (1368–1643)
William Chu
JIABS 33/1-2 2010[2011]
Vasubandhu and the
Peter Skilling
JIABS 23/2 (2000)
In the Beginning … Guanding 灌顶 (561-632) and the Creation of Early Tiantai
Linda Penkower
JIABS 23/2 (2000)
Knowing All through Knowing One: Mystical Communion or Logical Trick in the
Sara McClintock
JIABS 23/2 (2000)
Tāranātha's Presentation of
in the
gŹan stoṅ sñiṅ po
Klaus-Dieter Mathes
JIABS 23/2 (2000)
Blood Writing in Chinese Buddhism
John Kieschnick
JIABS 23/2 (2000)
Marginal note on the Idealistic Conception of
Carmen Dragonetti
JIABS 23/2 (2000)
A Hermeneutical Problem in SN 42,12 (SN IV,333) and AN X,91 (AN V,178)
Bhikkhu Pāsādika
JIABS 23/1 (2000)
The Story of Rūpāvatī: A Female Past Birth of the Buddha
Reiko Ohnuma
JIABS 23/1 (2000)
The Realm of Akṣobhya: A Missing Piece in the History of Pure Land Buddhism
Jan Nattier
JIABS 23/1 (2000)
Mentally Constructing What Already Exists: The Pure Land Thought of Chan Master Jixing Chewu (1741-1810)
Charles B. Jones
JIABS 23/1 (2000)
What Happened to the Nun Maitreyī?
Ann Heirman
JIABS 23/1 (2000)
On Hu and Fan Again: the Transmission of "Barbarian" Manuscripts to China
Daniel Boucher
JIABS 23/1 (2000)
Interpreting the tantras: A Tibetan debate on the numbers of adepts admissible to tantric consecration
Jan-Ulrich Sobisch
JIABS 32/1-2 (2009[2010])
Ignorance, epistemology and soteriology – Part I
Vincent Eltschinger
JIABS 32/1-2 (2009[2010])
Eating letters in the Tibetan treasure tradition
Frances Garrett
JIABS 32/1-2 (2009[2010])
“This inferior female body:” Reflections on life as a Tibetan visionary through the autobiographical eyes of Se ra mkha’ ’gro (bde ba’i rdo rje, 1892–1940)
Sarah H. Jacoby
JIABS 32/1-2 (2009[2010])
Āryadeva’s gradual stages: Their transmission from India to Tibet
Andrew McGarrity
JIABS 32/1-2 (2009[2010])
The silent saṃgha: Some observations on mute sheep monks
James A. Benn
JIABS 32/1-2 (2009[2010])
Evidence for Mahāyāna Buddhism and Sukhāvatī cult in India in the middle period – Early fifth to late sixth century Nepalese inscriptions
Diwakar Acharya
JIABS 31/1-2 (2008[2010])
The origin of the term 'Mahāyāna' (The Great Vehicle) and its relationship to the Āgamas
Joseph Walser
JIABS 30/1-2 (2007[2009])
The prayer, the priest and the Tsenpo: An early Buddhist narrative from Dunhuang
Sam van Schaik, Lewis Doney
JIABS 30/1-2 (2007[2009])
Creative ignorance: Nāgārjuna on the ontological significance of consciousness
Eviatar Shulman
JIABS 30/1-2 (2007[2009])
Object of cognition in Dignāga's Ālambanaparīkṣāvṛtti: On the controversial passages in Paramārtha's and Xuanzang's translations
Chen-Kuo Lin
JIABS 30/1-2 (2007[2009])
The ritual of arhat invitation during the Song Dynasty: Why did Mahāyānists venerate the arhat?
Ryan Bongseok Joo
JIABS 30/1-2 (2007[2009])
The formulation of introductory topics and the writing of exegesis in Chinese Buddhism
Tao Jin
JIABS 30/1-2 (2007[2009])
Concepts, intension, and identity in Tibetan philosophy and language
Jonathan Stoltz
JIABS 29/2 (2006[2009])
On doctrinal similarities between Sthiramati and Xuanzang
Hidenori Sakuma
JIABS 29/2 (2006[2009])
The mysteries of body, speech, and mind: The three esoterica (sanmi) in medieval Sinitic Buddhism
Richard D. McBride, II
JIABS 29/2 (2006[2009])
On the development of the non-mentation (amanasikāra) doctrine in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
David Higgins
JIABS 29/2 (2006[2009])
On Dignāga's theory of the object of cognition as presented in PS(V) 1
Junjie Chu
JIABS 29/2 (2006[2009])
The Bhikkhunī-ordination controversy in Thailand
Martin Seeger
JIABS 29/1 (2006[2008])
Fasting Buddhas, Lalitavistara, and Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka
Juhyung Rhi
JIABS 29/1 (2006[2008])
The Mongolian Big Dipper Sūtra
Johan Elverskog
JIABS 29/1 (2006[2008])
Syncretism reconsidered: The Four Eminent Monks and their syncretistic styles
William Chu
JIABS 29/1 (2006[2008])
Crossing thousands of Li of waves: The return of China's lost Tiantai texts
Ben Brose
JIABS 29/1 (2006[2008])
Report on the XIVth conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
Tom J.F. Tillemans
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
Book review: John S. Strong, Relics of the Buddha. Buddhisms: A Princeton University Press Series. Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford 2004. ISBN 0-691-11764-0.
Richard Salomon
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
Materials for a Mādhyamika critique of foundationalism: an annotated translation of Prasannapadā 55.11 to 77.13
Dan Arnold
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
The vagrant poet and the reluctant scholar: a study of the balance of iconoclasm and civility in the biographical accounts of two founders of the 'Brug pa 'bKa brgyud lineages
W. Blythe Miller
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
"Texts memorized, texts performed: a reconsideration of the role of paritta in Sri Lankan monastic education"
Jeffrey Samuels
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
The art of reading and teaching Dhammapadas: reform, texts, contexts in Thai Buddhist history
Justin T. McDaniel
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
Where do commentarial schools come from? Reflections on the history of Tibetan scholasticism
Georges Dreyfus
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
Training monks or men: Theravada monastic education, subnationalism and the national Sangha of China
Thomas A. Borchert
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
Anne M. Blackburn
JIABS 28/2 (2005[2008])
Index to JIABS vol. 22–26
Jiří Holba
JIABS 28/1 (2005)
Studies in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Hermeneutics (5). The mKhas pa rnams 'jug pa'i sgo by Sa skya Paṇḍita Kun dga' rgyal mtshan
Pieter C. Verhagen
JIABS 28/1 (2005)
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