Hans Vlieghe, Rubens. Portraits of Identified Sitters Painted in Antwerp - Arnout Balis, Rubens. Hunting Scenes - Julius Held, Rubens. Selected Drawings - Christopher White, Peter Paul Rubens. Man & Artist
Identifiers (Article)
Identifiers (Files)
http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-kc-766147 (PDF (Deutsch))
Rezension zu:
Hans Vlieghe, Rubens. Portraits of Identified Sitters Painted in Antwerp, London, Harvey Miller 1987 (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard XIX, 2). 400 S. mit 243 s/w Abb., £ 55.00.
Arnout Balis, Rubens. Hunting Scenes, London, Harvey Miller/Oxford, University Press 1986 (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard XVIII, 2). 406 S. mit 145 s/w Abb., £ 55.00.
Julius Held, Rubens. Selected Drawings, Revised Edition, Oxford, Phaidon 1986. 288 S. mit 246 s/w u. 8 farb. Abb., £ 50.00.
Christopher White, Peter Paul Rubens. Man & Artist, New Haven/London, Yale University Press 1987. 310 S. mit zahlr. s/w u. farb. Abb., £ 40.00.
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