Wybitne dzieło Friedricha Gilly’ego czeka na ratunek
Mauzoleum Hoymów w Brzegu Dolnym
Identifiers (Article)
JERZY K. KOS (University of Wroclaw) / Friedrich Gilly’s outstanding work
awaits to be restored. The Mausoleum of the von Hoym Family in Brzeg Dolny
This article presents the last surviving work of the Berlin architect Friedrich Gil-
ly (1772–1800) – the Mausoleum of the Von Hoym Family, located in the palace
park in Brzeg Dolny (Dyhernfurth) in Silesia. The building was constructed in
1800–1802 in the form of a four-column Doric prostyle temple of sandstone blocks,
in accordance with the principles of ancient Greek architecture. Its very poor state
of preservation requires the intervention of a preservationist. Undertaking res-
toration efforts is currently hampered by the ownership rights of the ruin. This
article aims to draw attention to this problem.
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