Kościół św. Barbary w Bytomiu jako bastion przeciwko polskości?
Treści ideowe architektury świątyni w kontekście sytuacji Górnego Śląska po I wojnie światowej
Identifiers (Article)
ALEKSANDRA PODLEJSKA (University of Wroclaw) / Church of St. Barbara in
Bytom as a bastion against Polishness? Ideological content of the church’s
architecture in the context of the situation of Upper Silesia after the World
War I
Architecture has been a carrier of content for centuries, and the circumstances
under which buildings were constructed have influenced their forms and charged
them with ideological meanings. An example of such an object is the Church of
St. Barbara in Bytom, built between 1928 and 1930 and designed by Arthur
Kickton. Erected in what was then a German border town, facing the Polish border
with its façade, it exemplifies so-called political architecture. The article presents
the background to the creation of the temple and their influence on its shape, and
tries to answer the question of whether it was indeed intended as a bastion against
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