Koźle czy Krosno?

Reidentyfikacja weduty Krosl z cyklu obrazów z podróży palatyna Ottheinricha

  • Zygmunt Łuniewicz (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


ZYGMUNT LUNIEWICZ (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) / Kozle or Krosno? Re-identification of the veduta of Krosl from a cycle of travel paintings by Count Palatine Ottheinrich
The painting signed as “KROSL”, created during the journey of the Rhenish Palatine Otto Wittelsbach, has been interpreted in the literature so far as the earliest, but not very reliable representation of Kozle in Upper Silesia. The analysis of the details of the veduta allows us to reject this view. Both the forms of the buildings and their location, as well as the topography of the Kozle area do not match the discussed panorama. A comparison of the painting with Krosno Odrzanskie showed a different result. The landforms, the course of rivers, the forms of buildings and their mutual arrangement correspond with the shape of the town that emerges from the analysis of available sources, iconography and their studies. The conclusion from the presented analysis is a reinterpretation of the veduta as a reliable and detailed depiction of Krosno Odrzanskie in the shape it had around 1537.

