Promocja konceptualizmu oraz diagnoza „trzeciej siły”
Organizacja świata sztuki i pracy artystów w oczach krytyki na łamach krakowskiego „Studenta” w latach 1969–1981
Identyfikatory (Artykuł)
KRZYSZTOF SIATKA (Pedagogical University of Krakow) / Promotion of conceptualism and the diagnosis of the “third force”. Organisation of the world of art and work of artists in the eyes of critics in the Krakow “Student” in the years 1969–1981
The article traces the views on art expressed in “Student. Dwutygodnik Społeczno- Kulturalny” (Student. Socio-cultural Biweekly) in the eighth decade of the 20th c., primarily in the texts by Wojciech Sztaba and other authors. These works were juxtaposed with the output of better known Polish theoreticians and critics, such as Jerzy Ludwinski, who created the prevailing narrative about the art of the decade and the Polish neo-avant-garde ideological and artistic movement. Subsequently, the effectiveness of the views was tested in the artistic and organisational praxis of the local environment in Krakow, which is also intended to point to the process of blurring the distinction between the professions of theoretician and artist. Examples of works from the 1970s by the ASPUJ group, Antoni Porczak and Maciej Jerzmanowski were discussed.
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