Klingelnde Knoten: Untersuchungen zur Herstellung und Konstruktion einer Vačer Knotenfibel

  • Vera Garvens (Author)

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The Vače type knobbed fibula constitutes an artefact type small in number but typical of the period between 700 and 650 BC solely in Slovenia. The variant 3 of this type is characterised by an iron frame and a hollow, non-ferrous ornament on the bow consisting of eight knobs. The analysis of a completely preserved Vače type knobbed fibula from Novo mesto revealed for the first time that the hollow worked knobs were filled with little balls. These balls produce a ringing sound as soon as the fibula is moved. This discovery led to intital, albeit mostly limited examinations of seven more fibulae from the same type. So far, the ringing has been proven for just one more. Based on the examination results, it can be suggested that the ringing is characteristic for all fibulae of the variant 3.


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