0022 Collector at the Crossroads

Jan Działyński and the Kórnik Collection of Works of Art in the Second Half of the 19th Century: An Exhibition between the Romantic Spirit of Patriotism and a Modern Scientific Approach

  • Kamila Kłudkiewicz (Author)
    Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

    A graduate of art history at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (2007), Kamila Kłudkiewicz is preparing a doctoral dissertation entitled "Wybór i konieczność. Kolekcje sztuki artystokracji polskiej w Wielkopolsce na przełomie XIX i XX wieku" (Choice and Necessity. Art collections of Polish Aristocracy in Wielkopolska at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century). In the research conducted by her, the reconstruction of aesthetic and ideological problems, which contributed to the emergence of individual collections, plays an important role, and not only the reconstruction of such collections as far as stock-taking is concerned. Kamila Kłudkiewicz presents the results of her research at scientific conferences and in articles published in national scientific magazines and popular science magazines.

  • Alicja Brodowicz-Transue (Translator)

Identifiers (Article)


In the second half of the 19th century, a tendency for a scientific approach to collecting became visible in Europe. Collectors established contacts with art experts and art researchers in order to assemble works of high class. A Polish aristocrat, Jan Działyński, presented a collection of works of art in a specially prepared castle room of his family estate in Kórnik. The exhibition of his collection bears features characteristic for a systematic and scientific approach to collecting; nevertheless, certain elements still testify to inspiration in Romantic collecting of national tokens, popular at the beginning of the 19th century in Poland.


collecting, Kórnik, Jan K. Działyński, museum exposition, collections of the 19th century, collections of aristocracy, Kunstsammlung