0213 Die Jesuiten- und Universitätskirche in Trnava (Tyrnau, Nagyszombat) im Spiegel des kunsthistorischen Diskurses um und nach 1948

  • Ivan Gerát (Author)
    Bratislava Institute of Art History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

    Ivan Gerát (1964) studied art history, aesthetics, philosophy and Slavonic studies in Bratislava and Freiburg (Germany), where he received his PhD (1994). Since 2005 he has been the director at the Institute for Art History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. He also teaches as associate professor at the University of Trnava. His published books include Legendary Scenes: An Essay on Medieval Pictorial Hagiography (2013); Medieval Pictorial Themes in Slovakia (2001, in Slovak); Medieval Pictorial Legends of Saint Elisabeth, (2009, in Slovak) Holy Fighters of the Middle Ages (2011, in Slovak). His current research focuses on the broad cultural contexts of images in the Late Middle Ages, historiography and philosophical problems of image interpretation.

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This paper examines the art historical discourse on the Jesuit and University Church in Trnava (Tyrnau, Nagyszombat) in the period before and after the communist takeover of power in Czechoslovakia. It provides insight into the history of research of one of the most significant monuments of early Baroque architecture in the former Danube Monarchy, in order to give an idea of the main problems in the art historical practice under the influence of communist ideology.


Czechoslovakia, Jesuit and University Church in Trnava, Marxism-Leninism, Art historiography, Baroque architecture, Structuralism