0149 Adolf Sandoz, an Orientalist Painter in Algeria

  • Agata Wójcik (Author)
    Jagiellonian University, Krakow

    Agata Wójcik, a Ph.D. student at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, lectures in art history at the University of Silesia in Katowice and currently writes a Ph.D. thesis on the life and work of Stanisław Chlebowski. Historyk sztuki, adiunkt na Wydziale Sztuki Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN w Krakowie. Autorka rozprawy doktorskiej pt. „Stanisław Chlebowski, „Nadworny Farbiarz Jego Sułtańskiej Mości”. Życie i twórczość”. Publikowała teksty między innymi w czasopismach „Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”, „Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego”, „Modus. Prace z historii sztuki”, „Rocznik Krakowski”. Zainteresowania naukowe: malarstwo XIX i początku XX wieku, historia designu i architektury wnętrz. Kierownik projektu badawczego „Ojcowie polskiego designu. Towarzystwo Polska Sztuka Stosowana. Architektura wnętrz i meblarstwo” finansowanego z środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki.

  • Karolina Kolenda (Translator)

Identifiers (Article)


Adolf Karol Sandoz was a 19th-century Polish artist who spent his life and developed his artistic career in France. In Paris, he studied painting and architecture, and worked as a professional illustrator. He can also be linked with a circle of artist-travellers, who searched for new sources of inspiration in the Orient. In 1879 and 1881, Sandoz travelled in Algeria. He described his impressions from the first journey in vividly written memoires published by the Krakow journal Czas. His travels inspired several genre paintings, including: Interior of a House in Biskra, Dancer from the Uled Nail Tribe, Arab Woman by a Cradle, Morning in the Sahara, Evening in the Sahara, Oasis, On the Oued Riverbank at El Kantara Oasis, and Sheik Mistress of El Kantara. At present, his works emerge at art auctions, are known from reproductions, or only from descriptions. Sandoz exhibited in Paris, Warsaw, Krakow, and Lviv, where he was appreciated by art critics. The aim of this article is to introduce Sandoz’s journey to Algeria, analyse his paintings with exotic subject matter, and locate them within a wider context of orientalist painting. It will also present the history of artistic travel to Algeria undertaken by 19th-century painters, including those from Poland.


Algeria, Orientalism, 19th century painting, Adolf Sandoz, Exoticism, artist’s travel