0177 Decline of Medieval Urban Symbols of Power: Tower Houses in Trogir, Croatia

  • Ana Plosnić Škarić (Author)
    Institute of Art History, Zagreb

    Ana Plosnić Škarić is a researcher at the Institute of Art History, Zagreb, Croatia, since 2000. She was a team member of the projects "Artistic Heritages from Antiquity to Early Modern Age" (2000-2006) and "Medieval Architecture and Urban Development in Croatia" (2007-2014). From 2014 she is a Principal Investigator on the project "Dubrovnik. Civitas et Acta Consiliorum. Visualizing Development of the Late Medieval Urban Fabric" funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. Her research interests encompass medieval urban history, archival sources, urban development and changes of urban tissue, typology and architectural forms of residential architecture.

Identifiers (Article)


The paper analyses the diminishment of the importance and significance of the medieval tower houses in Trogir caused by social, political, and economic changes as well as by the urban development and the changes in the city defence system. The findings suggest that the decline of the towers had already begun during the 13th century. Eventually it resulted in the preservation of only a few, who have, however, been subjected to subsequent remodelling.


Trogir, urban development, tower house