0282 Antiquities in the Nazi Era: Contexts and Broader View

  • Irene Bald Romano (Author)
    University of Arizona, Tucson; Guest Editor

    Irene Bald Romano holds a joint appointment as professor of art history and professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. She is also curator of Mediterranean archaeology in the Arizona State Museum. She holds a PhD in classical archaeology, has expertise in Greek and Roman material culture, and has published widely on museum collections from the ancient Mediterranean region.

Identifiers (Article)


This introduction presents an overview of the research questions and the challenges involved in studying the fate of Middle Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman antiquities during the Nazi era. Since the antiquities markets and the methods of trade, disappearance, and confiscation of ancient archaeological objects varied a great deal across Europe and the Middle East during the Nazi period, this article examines the evidence in individual countries, both in source countries where the archaeological objects originated and in market countries where antiquities were collected, traded, or confiscated—including the United States. Finally, some conclusions gleaned from this broader study are presented, including from the articles in this special issue.


National Socialism, Nazi, art collections, collecting, antiquities, Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Egyptian, Middle Eastern