Der Fall Lefmann
Identifier (Artikel)
This essay explores the case of Dr. Alfred Lefmann, an art collector in the GDR who, despite enjoying exceptional privileges, suffered the partial loss of his collection due to the opaque practices of the GDR’s art and currency trade. Leveraging extensive connections within the Ministry of Culture and exploiting special rights, Lefmann managed to emigrate to West Germany, taking valuable antiques and artworks with him. The study illuminates the role of KoKo and its unconventional foreign trade strategies which significantly influenced foreign trade and, consequently, the art trade in the GDR from the 1960s onwards. By focusing on Lefmann as a case study, this paper critically examines the function of the GDR Ministry of Culture and the protection of cultural property, particularly how these were either used as pretexts or bypassed. These ambivalent practices prompt questions about the management of cultural heritage and offer crucial insights for further GDR-related provenance research. The objective of this study is to elucidate the intricate networks and interactions that facilitated Lefmann’s privileges and to illuminate the dynamics within the institutional as well as the unofficial structures of the GDR.

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