Museums in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe
Rethinking Soviet Museum Management
Identifier (Artikel)
The paper presents four case studies probed at the online workshop “Museums in Central Asia, Caucasus, and Eastern Europe: Rethinking Soviet Museum Management” in October 2023. All authors and participants of the workshop highlighted the challenges of provenance research, forced transfers and alienations of art collections, as some of the most persistent systemic issues created by Soviet museum authorities in the museum domain across the region. The presented research explores the complex interactions between local communities and museum work, as well as the impact of Soviet colonialism on the establishment of cultural paradigms throughout the Soviet era. It was during this period that key institutions and patterns were formed, which continued to exert influence in the decades following the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and the development of sovereign successor states. Overall, all four case studies emphasize the importance of understanding and addressing the legacy of Soviet museum management in the context of museum and heritage studies that transitioned from domestic affairs to international relationships.

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