Vom Dachbodenfund zur Forschung
Die Bedeutung historischer Etiketten der Ethnologischen Sammlung an der Universität Tübingen
Identifier (Artikel)
Within the scope of provenance research at the museum of the university of Tübingen (MUT) there has recently been an important chance find of historical labels in the Ethnological Collection (Ethnologische Sammlung). This find has inspired a thorough examination of the collection and its former interrelations, especially around Augustin Krämer, but also regarding further protagonists. The labels, which once had been attached to the objects, offer valuable insights into the objects’ provenance. The transcription of these labels proved to be challenging for all collaborators involved, as there were illegible handwritings, damaged labels as well as outdated terms. Matching the transcribed labels against the corresponding data in the university museum’s database served to review data consistency and accuracy. In this way, inconsistencies could be identified and corrected to ensure the completeness of the relevant data files. Findings emanating from this process show that the historical labels provide important information on the objects and their provenance. The transcription of the labels supports ongoing provenance research and helps reconstructing the collection’s history. Despite said challenges, historical labels can serve as a basis for future research. The article at hand provides an insight into the assessment of this find and likewise into corresponding approaches and modes of operation, including techniques of transcription and data adjustment with the museum’s database TMS.

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