Zwischen Modellen, Büchern und Veilchenholz

Die mechanisch-technologische Sammlung Dresdens zwischen 1851 und 1872

  • Anna Mattern (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


The article illustrates the composition of the mechanical-technological collection of the Technische Bildungsanstalt (technical educational institution) in Dresden, from 1857 onwards the Royal Saxon Polytechnic, between 1851 and 1872. Its early phase is reconstructed on the basis of the collection’s accounting report, which has not yet been analyzed in previous research. The article’s main focus lies on the diversity of the objects, their origin and the sellers and donors. Contrary to the collection’s name, the mechanical-technological collection had an encyclopedic orientation so that even objects unusual for such a collection were presented. This allows for drawing parallels to the history of industrialization in the Kingdom of Saxony.

Keywords: Collection; industrialization; Saxony; Dresden; mechanical engineering; textile industry


Collection, industrialization, Saxony, Dresden, mechanical engineering, textile industry