Zwei Neufunde frühmittelalterlicher Glaskameen aus Trier und Bitburg
Identifiers (Article)
This study presents a so far unpublished glass cameo brooch from Trier and a recently discovered glass cameo from Bitburg. Comparable finds are known from early medieval burials, but also from settlements. There are further specimens from collections without any information on the original find contexts as well as glass cameos kept in treasuries of the Church. Excavation finds are mainly distributed in present-day western Germany, in eastern France, and the Netherlands. Different variants of glass cameos certainly decorated disc brooches. Such fibulae probably belonged to the women’s dress of the late 7th and 8th centuries. Due to the lack of well-dated find contexts, a more precise dating is currently problematic. However, a frequently postulated use much later in the 9th century is unlikely.