Urban Copper-based Technology in Brno

Archaeometallurgical Analysis of Finds from Brno – Pekařská Street

  • Matěj Kmošek (Author)
  • Rudolf Procházka (Author)
  • Matěj Březina (Author)
  • Marie Machová (Author)

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Urban Copper-based Technology in Brno. Archaeometallurgical Analysis of Finds from Brno – Pekařská Street

The study presents the main results of 417 archaeometallurgical analyses of a diverse assemblage (1504 individual artefacts) of especially non-ferrous (mainly copper-based) artefacts acquired from the rescue excavation in Brno – Pekařská Street (Brno-město/CZ) in 1989. The finds are chronologically dated to the late 15th century and the first half of the 16th century and consist mainly of dress accessories, but also jewellery, personal hygiene items, other household utensils and objects related to spiritual culture. The investigation comprises of several analytical methods including pXRF, optical microscopy and metallography with SEM/EDS. The general material composition shows the dominant use of brass with the main peak at 17 % of Zinc and reaching up to 36 %, followed by gunmetal (tin brass or so-called red brass), occasional occurrence of unalloyed copper, and singular presence of tin bronze. The results showed different strategies of material usage for specific groups, e. g. high brass for pins, gunmetal for buckles and unalloyed copper for scrap sheets.


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Brno, Late Middle Ages, Early Modern period, non-ferrous metals, brass, copper, elemental composition, pXRF, metallography