The Gallo-Roman temple »Auf dem Spätzrech« at Schwarzenbach (Lkr. St. Wendel) in Saarland. A pilgrim shrine for Mars Cnabetius in the civitas Treverorum?

  • Daniel Burger (Author)

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Post-excavation work and analysis of the Gallo-Roman temple »Auf dem Spätzrech« concluded in the distinction of four building phases. They are preceded by a functionally not identifiable find horizon of the Late Iron Age mainly from the periods Lt D2a and D2b. For the first building phase a wooden temple from the second half of the 1st century was identified whereas around the middle of the 2nd century a stone building can be assumed. Chronologically the periods  3 and 4 cannot be defined more precisely and are only identified under consideration of the annex building. After the middle of the 4th century a decreasing importance of the construction is notable. Four Mars figurines and a votive inscription to Mars Cnabetius suggest that Mars or Mars Cnabetius was the principal god worshipped here. Figurines of Apollo and Mars as well as various finds among which there are possible votives of parts of the body indicate that a healing cult was practiced. The extension of the complex points to further buildings and a certain regional importance.


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Saarland, Otzenhausen, Roman Principate, cult, religion, Gallo-Roman temple, inscription