Entdeckt – vergessen – wiederentdeckt: auf den Spuren verlorener Museumsbestände
Ein Griffzungenschwert von Kraśnik (Kratznick) bei Choszczno (Arnswalde; woj. zachodniopomorskie / PL) in Pommern
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The Second World War left archaeological collections and museums destroyed and archives plundered. Information on lost finds and collections can be found in the literary estates of archaeologists who worked in the period before the end of the war. While studying the finds from the district Złotów (Flatow) a further source for the reconstruction of archaeological collections has been discovered: newspapers. The search for even more sources also results in regional publications such as regional calendars. A next step will be to analyse the archives of the local historical societies. This is how an unknown sword with flanged hilt-grip from Kraśnik (Kratznick) and many more finds were discovered. Until now the archives of local societies and museums have attracted hardly or little interest of archaeologists although they may offer many more sources for the research described in the contribution.