Das Erscheinen der Ur- und Frühgeschichtsforschung im Schulbuch und im Kinder- und Jugendsachbuch der DDR in den Jahren von 1949 bis 1989

  • Michaela Erbes (Author)

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This paper presents the results of an analysis of 13 archaeological non-fiction books, one school textbook and one museum guide, aimed at children and young readers. The books and brochures were published in the GDR between 1949 and 1989. Emphasis is placed on the function of archaeology within the educational system of the GDR. In line with the general objectives of Prehistory within the system of socialist education, here the Palaeolithic, Pre-Roman Iron Age, Roman Empire and the Medieval period are presented and evaluated by the selected authors on the basis of the theory of historical materialism. Through this process, the authors also transmit social, cultural and political values to the readers. Especially in the transmission of the Slavic image as well as generally in the presentation of political history concerning Germanic tribes, Slavs and modern Germans, the presentation of archaeology for the layman in the GDR is firmly rooted in the framework of „Pan-Slavism“ and in the service of international understanding and dissociation from national-socialist ideology.


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the function of archaeology of the GDR, theory of historical materialism, dissociation from national-socialist ideology