Archäoprognose - Ein Verfahren zur Einschätzung des archäologischen Potenzials in Entwicklungsräumen mit Beispielen aus Brandenburg und Nordrhein-Westfalen im Vergleich

  • Ulla Münch (Author)

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For many years archaeological predictive models have been used internationally, their importance has risen for the state service of cultural resource management in Germany. Especially with large excavation projects it has shown that the previous knowledge about archaeological remains stay hidden in the ground and is incomplete. This makes the planning for archaeological measures more diffi cult. Predictive models deliver information about the archaeological potential of an area and represent a signifi cant planning tool for practical cultural recource management.
This kind of mapping is based upon a large archaeological and environmental database connected with a geographic information system. Different kinds of statistical methods can be used to develop predictive models. With examples from the land Brandenburg and the Rheinland (both in Germany) one of these effi cient statistical methods will be explained in this paper. To be discussed are the possible interpretations for archaeological research, limitation factors and the application for the state service for heritage management.



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Predictive Models, GIS, multivariate analysis, landscape archaeology