Wissenschaft und Journalismus: Über die Problematik des Blicks von außen. Eine Erwiderung zu Metin Yeşilyurts Beitrag in den Archäologischen Informationen 30/2, 2007, 59 - 66: „Eine Stellungnahme zur Darstellung des ‚Archäologischen’ in den Medien“
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Who determines what journalists should be allowed to write about archaeology? How to defi ne good science journalism? Does archaeology need journalism for reaching the public? How to get coverage of high quality in the press, on the internet, and in TV and radio? Some archaeologists try to develop an idea of high quality science journalism that is in fact based on their very own perceptions and prejudices. This article tries to demonstrate the methodological weakness of such approaches and tries to show that a reliable result is not possible. By including sources from science journalism itself this text attempts to sketch journalism’s self-perception. Furthermore, it shortly tries to give an idea how archaeologists could cooperate constructively with journalists.